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InfoWindowObservable(Marker) - Constructor for class org.neshan.mapsdk.model.Marker.InfoWindowObservable
InfoWindowObservableData(Marker, int) - Constructor for class org.neshan.mapsdk.model.Marker.InfoWindowObservableData
isMapRotationEnabled() - Method in class org.neshan.mapsdk.Settings
check if map rotation is enabled
isMarkerClusteringEnabled() - Method in class org.neshan.mapsdk.Settings
isMyLocationButtonEnabled() - Method in class org.neshan.mapsdk.Settings
check if my location button is visible
isPoiEnabled() - Method in class org.neshan.mapsdk.MapView
isTrafficEnabled() - Method in class org.neshan.mapsdk.MapView
isZoomControlsEnabled() - Method in class org.neshan.mapsdk.Settings
check if zoom buttons of map is visible
isZoomGesturesEnabled() - Method in class org.neshan.mapsdk.Settings
check if zoom gestures ( two fingers gesture / tap and scroll gesture ) are enabled
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